Featured Service
Machine Safety
The safety of your employees and improved bottom-line is paramount, which is why Pieper’s Industrial Machine Safety (PIMS) Group is here.
We’re dedicated to creating solutions that protect your employees from injuries, ensuring you meet safety standards such as OSHA, ISO, and ANSI, and avoiding costs related to machine hazards. A CMSE – Certified Machinery Safety Expert (TÜV NORD) will assess your machine(s) safety, implement solutions to reduce liability, then validate and maintain the results. Pieper Electric creates turnkey solutions to meet your safety needs!
Risk Surveys
We work with the customer and their team of employees to survey the hazards on a particular machine(s) and calculate a Hazard Rating Number (HRN). This HRN is compliant to ANSI B11.0:2015 & ISO 12100:2010 standards for assigning hazard ratings. The customer receives the full Risk Survey results.
Risk Analysis & Reduction Plan
This service takes the Risk Survey results and provides a detailed analysis of each hazard identified in the Risk Survey. We then design a custom plan to reduce the risk on each hazard. Finally, we calculate a new, estimated Hazard Rating Number (HRN) based on the custom reduction plan designed. The customer receives the full Risk Analysis & Reduction Plan.
Turnkey Safety Solutions
This service provides the complete safety solution from the initial Risk Survey through the engineering, installation, validation, and maintenance of the safety system.